Public Forum – Capital Project 3/30/23 at 7pm

Superintendent Kolakowski will hold a brief public forum this Thursday, March 30th at 7pm in the Jr/Sr High School Cafeteria for an update on our capital project and next steps as our District works towards completion of it’s final phase – a Facebook Live steam will also be available.  Superintendent Kolakowski’s presentation can be accessed …

Superintendent Conference Day for MCSD staff!

What a fabulous Superintendent Conference Day for MCSD staff! The day was packed with many presentations beginning with an inspiring session with Superintendent Kolakowski and ending with a captivating message by Stephen “Dr. Bird” Birchak! #redraiderpride

District Professional Development

To allow for District Professional Development the Elementary & Jr/Sr High School Main offices will be closed on Friday 3/17/2023 between 8:00am-11:00am and 1:00-2:40pm. 

Policies- First Reading

On March 2, 2023, the BOE approved a First Reading of the following revised policies Policy1510. Regular BOE Meetings and Rules (1) Policy 8330. Objection to Instructional Materials and controversial issues (1) Policy 7540. Suicide (1) Policy 7552 Student Gender Identity (1) Policy 7150. Remote Instruction (1)

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