Employment Opportunities

RecruitFront – Job Opportunities

RecruitFront – Applications

Instructional Positions

If you are interested in becoming a candidate for an instructional position in our District, please complete the online application process through RecruitFront. Please be sure to select Mechanicville City School District.

If you have previously applied for other positions through RecruitFront, please be sure to update all your information. All others should register as new users and apply. Paper applications are not accepted.

Internal staff may use SchoolFront for job vacancies: https://mechanicville.recruitfront.com/Default

Non-Instructional Positions

All applicants must apply through RecruitFront at the following address: https://mechanicville.recruitfront.com/Default. Please be sure to select Mechanicville City School District.

Internal staff may use SchoolFront for job vacancies: https://mechanicville.recruitfront.com/Default

Substitute Positions

  • Substitute: Teachers, Nurses, Teacher Assistant and Teacher Aides

WSWHE BOCES handles the application process. If you are interested in becoming a Substitute Teacher, Nurse, Teaching Assistant or Teacher Aide, please download and complete the Mechanicville Substitute Application  and submit via email to HR@Mechanicville.org

  • Substitute: School Monitors, Clerical, Food Service, Custodial and Transportation Positions

The District maintains a list of active substitutes in each of the following areas:  School Monitor, Clerical, Food Service, Custodial and Transportation. To be considered an active substitute, please complete an application for employment on RecruitFront and then apply to substitute job posting(s) you are interested in.

You will be contacted by the appropriate office for an interview and to fill out a Civil Service Application – Mechanicville City Civil Service Exam Application. Once you have been offered a position, you will be required to have a fingerprint clearance completed by BOCES. We will instruct you on how to fulfill this and the district will cover the fee. 
Once fingerprints have cleared, you will be e-mailed by School Front to electronically fill out all the necessary paperwork to complete the hiring process for employment.

Nondiscrimination Statement

Mechanicville City School District is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome and celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. The Mechanicville City School District does not discriminate in its programs and activities, including employment, on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, economic status, marital status, veterans’ status, political affiliation, or other classifications protected under federal or state law.